Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Hula-Hoop Show

Ever since Amelia went to her friend Hannah's birthday party she has wanted a hula-hoop. We talked about it a lot. Recently, I started having Amelia make her own bed, and then every Saturday she gets $1.00. She LOVES this. She decided that she wanted to buy her own hula-hoop. So, after she saved enough money, $3.00, we went to Walmart. She, of course, say the purple sparkly hula-hoop for $8.00, but could only get the $3.00 hula-hoop. She handled the disappointment surprisingly well.

She hula-hoops all day long. It was such a great purchase! Occasionally, she will do a hula-hoop show before she goes to bed (you will see that we aren't above bribing her). Here is a little peek at one of the shows...and you can see that Miles is doing his own show as well.

I apologize for the poor lighting in the was dark outside, and our apartment lighting is horrendous.

The Special Dance

Amelia dances all day long. Which is weird, since I don't dance at all. Really, I don't. I'm terrible at it, and I never dance. Except with my kids in the living room. But really, that's it. Amelia, on the other hand, dances all the time. Anywhere. This afternoon on the way to the car after church she told Chris she wouldn't hold his hand, because she wanted to dance...which she did all the way to the car. Arms spread out, twirling and jumping. It was adorable. Here are some of her dance moves...many which she has acquired after watching this ballet movie we checked out from the library this week.

The I Spy Quilt

My dear friend, Dyanne Perkes, makes the most amazing quilts. She just made my children an I Spy Quilt. Basically, there are over 100 squares of fabric on the quilt, which you use the play I Spy. Dyanne definitely knows how to please a 3-year-old, because she included Dora the Explorer, Santa Claus, Dory (from Finding Nemo), Snoopy, dinosaurs, ballerinas and princesses. I wanted to take a few pictures of Miles and Amelia enjoying the quilt...which is perfect for Sunday mornings. These pictures are for you Dyanne! We love the quilt so much.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dance Class Videos

Miles Birthday, Party 1

We celebrated Miles' birthday a week early at my parent's house on Mother's Day.
We opened presents. My parents got Miles the best little tractor and dump truck, which he pushes around the house while making the sound effects taught to him by Uncle Evan.

I'm pretty sure there is more than one picture of me "helping" my siblings open their presents...just as Amelia is just "helping."

We bought him this larger dumptruck, hoping it would entice him to walk.
Of course, a trip to Grandma's house is not complete without Tori re-fixing Amelia's hair and Aunt Kari and Aunt Lauren painting her nails.
And, since it was Mother's Day it was nice to get a good picture of my mom with my baby.

We sang to miles, and gave him a piece of carrot, that's not a piece of wheat bread. It was yummier than it looks. And to prove it...

Aunt Ashley

Every time she visits I forget to take pictures until it's time for her to leave. So, all I have are posed pictures of my kids sitting on her lap on my couch.
Really, she does more than sit and hold them on my couch...
Sometimes she stands up next to the couch and holds them.
I'm really looking forward to having her live closer...and not just for the free babysitting.

Red Truck

Grandma Stephanie & Grandpa Barry sent Miles a red truck push/sit on toy (i am doing an awful job explaining it). Anyway, since they weren't here to see him open it, I tried to capture a few pictures. The past few days Miles has started making really funny faces when I pull out the camera. I don't know if he is anticipating the flash, or if he is trying to smile and can't figure out how. Either way, it's very entertaining.

Miles Birthday

party flags and balloons. miles sat by the kitchen table and pointed at them all day long.

i love how he always eats with his feet pointing straight out. it's dinner + an ab workout. try it.

He loved the cupcakes Chris made for his birthday...a tradition he started with Amelia. Confetti cupcakes, cream cheese frosting and sprinkles. Here's a video of the birthday boy eating his birthday cupcake.

We also had a yummy dinner followed by a swing in our hammock.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Birthday to Miles

Grandmothers: 2
Grandfathers: 2
Aunts: 7
Uncles: 7
Cousins: 4
Birthday well-wishers: 0

breeding clean freaks

me: amelia, why don't you make your bed this morning?
amelia: instead of you?
me: yep.
amelia (loudly from her room): ok! thank you mom!

it's clear who she spends her days with...

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

More Sleeping Pictures

Because we think they are funny. And, because its uncanny how alike they sleep.

Grandma Stephanie & Grandpa Barry Visit

It's embarrassing how long it's taken me to post these pictures. And, it's even more embarassing how few pictures I took while Grandma Stephanie & Grandpa Barry were visiting...I guess we were just having too much fun. We ate yummy food (Mexican food 3 times in one weekend), shopped, went to the beach, hung out at the hotel in del mar, and just played, played, played.

He Talks!

Well...not sure if you can call "uh-oh" or "woof, woof" words, but he say's them nonetheless. And we think it's adorable.

And, Miles calls me Mama. Chris says its debatable because he's never heard it, but Amelia totally backs me up on this.

Monday, May 04, 2009

A New Car

Hi Dad:

I hope you weren't counting on a yummy dinner tonight, because me and mommy were busy all afternoon with some car repairs and didn't get around to it.

Love you,


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