Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Beginning

August 6, 2006

I've always felt that my life wouldn't actually begin until I had children. My patriarchal blessing states that my most important role in this life is to be a mother. When Amelia Grace was born I did actually feel like my life had begun.

And what a life! Everyone in my family knows that I think my life is perfect - and it is, and has always been. Having a baby just added so much joy to my perfect life.

Amelia is growing up so much. Today when I was feeding her oatmeal in her new high chair she started banging on the tray like a drum. I, being amazed, called Chris into the room to watch our genius baby in action. However, he informed me that it was him who had taught her this new ability. He would pound on the tray, she would watch and then she would copy him. To anyone else this seems like a small accomplishment - but to doting parents, this is a marvelous feat and a revelation of how our actions will affect her life. We'll have to be more careful with a copycat around.

This week my sister Ashley got married. When I moved out of the house she was only 16 and didn't wear make-up yet, or kiss boys. Now she is a married woman. She is such a good girl...and was so unbelievable gorgeous in her dress. I love her so much, and I am so proud of her. She just gets it! She understands the gospel so simply and surely. She was never nervous about getting married, because she was so sure that she was doing the right thing. I don't think she knows (I should tell her), but I've watched her sweet faith in her Savior, and my testimony has grown. Now she is moving to Provo so her new husband, Bryan, can finish his degree at BYU. I hope she visits often.

I celebrated my 5th wedding anniversary this past week - on August 4th. I can't explain how great it is being married to Chris. We just have so much fun! I don't really believe that there is only 1 right person for everyone...but I can't imagine anyone else more compatible to me than Chris. It's such a wonder that I get to be married to him forever.

Chris says I have to post more regularly. I'll try my best to write the things I think my kids will want to read, and the things I'd like to know about my parents.

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