Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Pic-i-nic Table

Sometimes, ok, almost all the time, Amelia has us wrapped around her pinky finger, and if she acts like she really likes something, chances are it will end up in our house. Good thing Amelia hasn't discovered shopping at Toys "R" Us or Target yet...

We were at Ikea on Friday night looking for a chair and booster seat to contain Amelia during our not-so-calm family dinners, which pretty much consist of Amelia yelling that she is done and wants to "Get down!" out of her highchair, after which she proceeds to climb onto the table and eat off my plate.

However, there weren't any chairs or booster seats that we wanted to buy. BUT, we didn't leave Ikea empty handed. We managed to buy an entire picnic table. Not a park-sized table, but a petite picnic table, that fits perfectly in Amelia's bedroom.

And, she adores it. She loves to sit in there with her stuffed animals and color with her pencils (she calls them pens). I know this picnic table is helping to foster the artistic genius in her and one day this 30 dollar picnic table is going to make me millions!

Until then, I will enjoy the 20 minutes of quiet in my house as Amelia sits and colors, all the while saying, "A", "A", "A," as she pretends to write them.


Thirstin' for Thurstons said...

Its amazing how old mia looks. She looks alot older then cate. i think its the hair!! Cant wait to see you this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hello Wignall's! Amelia on her daddy's back is the so stinkin' cute! That's one good looking guy!

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