Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Amelia & Friends

Here is a cute sequence of pictures from the ward Halloween Party last week. Let me explain a minute before the pictures...

1. No...i'm not a bad mom and made Amelia into a ragamuffin for Halloween. she just refused to wear her darling fishy costume, hence the weird tights, shorts, turtleneck combo.
2. These pictures are with Amelia's dearest friends, Hannah & Cate. She wakes up saying their names, asks to see them all day long, and loves to play with them.
3. Hannah and Cate are both almost 3, so while they like Amelia, they are a bit older, and she doesn't quite understand the rules of 3-year-olds yet.
4. Amelia loves Candy, and will do anything to get Candy. She gets this from her Dad. We've been quoting this Jerry Seinfeld skit all week:

Now, here is the sequence of photos... enjoy.

Hmmm...there's candy in there...and Hannah and Cate aren't paying attention....
"I think I will help myself....don't mind if I do.""Oh, no. Caught with my hand in the pumpkin bucket."
"Not even one piece?"Who does this ballerina think she is anyway...I could totally take her in these orange tights."


Anonymous said...

Well, she may not be wearing her costume but she clearly knows what's important. Candy! Candy! Did Chris write Jerry Seinfeild's skit? It's too bad they didn't add the story about Travis getting his candy stolen.

jane maynard said...

good commentary on the sequence of pictures. :) it's a good thing cate's always there to "protect" hannah from amelia...geesh.

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