Sunday, January 20, 2008

Amelia's New Bed

For several weeks Amelia has been sleeping on a mattress on the floor, waiting for me to finish her new bed (the one I carried in from the dumpster outside our apartment a few months ago). After several hours of sanding, priming and painting I finally finished it yesterday and Amelia got to enjoy her new bed last night. I think it turned out beautifully and suits Amelia very well. I do need to apologize to the baby boy on the way, who is going to be sleeping in a VERY girly room for the first year of his life.

I also need to apologize for the weird camera angle...I was trying to capture as much of the room as I could for the full affect...just turn your head 20 degrees to the left and things will look much better.

Amelia loves her new bed. She loves sleeping on it, reading on it, coloring on it, and jumping on it of course (she is excellent at keeping the "no shoes while jumping" rule). Every time I went to check on her today she was sitting in her bed completely engrossed in an activity, which means that I also LOVE this bed.

Here are a few pictures of her enjoying her new bed.


Anonymous said...

I love the bed, I love that you love the bed and I especially love that Mia loves her new bed. This is a huge mile stone! Big bed equals big girl!! I can't wait to see her jump on it!

Valerie said...

Wow Emily!! You did a great job. I'm glad I got to see the "before" and "after."

Isa said...

I am beyond impressed...I have been missing you in bead class this time around. Beautiful bed for Amelia!

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