Thursday, December 10, 2009


Third times the charm or three's a crowd?

Only time will tell.

Either way, we're excited for the arrival of our 3rd little Wignall.

Sometime in mid-June.


Miles loves motorcycles. So, when Uncle Todd pulled out my parents old little motorcycle at Thanksgiving Miles went crazy. He wanted to ride it the rest of the night, and would have if Amelia hadn't been equally enthusiastic. They only rode it very slowly around the driveway, but my kids thought it was amazing.
And, then to seal his status as favorite Uncle, Todd gave them each a lollipop. Seriously, he's a hard act to follow.


We recently spent a week in Kentucky visiting Chris' sister, brother-in-law and their 3 kids. We had so, so much fun, and none of us were ready to come home at the end of the week.

However, I only took about 15 photos. And, a lot of them have some random kid in them.

I can't believe I was such a lame photographer on the trip.

Here are the best photos.


Miles LOVES playing with Chris' guitars. Datar "Guitar" was one of his first words.
And where is Amelia while the jamming is going on? She's dancing of course.

2 Favorite Things

Uncle Todd & reading books.

Halloween Night

We were invited to go to a Halloween party at our old apartment complex and go trick-or-treating with friends. Amelia announced on the drive in that she wanted a lot of candy...when asked how much was a lot she replied, "7 pieces."

Amelia had a blast.
Uncle Todd spent the weekend with us, and helped Miles all evening.
Though, as you can see Miles didn't need help opening the candy...he just ate through the wrappers.

Halloween Costumes

Amelia originally decided to be a cat for Halloween (just like her cousin Emma was last year). Then, we took a trip to the store to look at costumes. She saw a princess costume with earrings...earring she could wear. And, she changed her mind. She wanted to be a purple princess butterfly. Though we didn't get the costume with the earrings, she loved the costume she did pick out just as much.
And, Miles. Well, Miles didn't care about anything but the candy.
And, the last picture pretty much sums up the relationship between Amelia and Miles. Is he hugging her or trying to push her over...who knows?

Wild Animal Park

Before Halloween we visited the Wild Animal Park for their trick or treating events. Amelia LOVED wearing her costume and getting candy.

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