Saturday, August 06, 2011

Swimming Lessons

The kids just completed 2 weeks of swimming lessons every day. They were devastated when they ended, but this mom can only take so much of trying to keep Henry happy (and dry) for 2 hours every morning at the pool while they swam.
The kids both did great and moved onto the next level.

Concert in the Park

One of our favorite summer activities is the concert in the park each week. The kids love to get up and dance, and this year Henry is also enjoying the music.

Henry Loves Taking a Bath So Much...

That he jumped in fully clothed with Miles.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Cousins & Family Pictures

Anyone (Nathalie) who has organized family photos for Chris' family knows that the grief caused by the family is almost not worth it. But, this time it definitely was.

Utah Vacation

We traveled to Utah to visit Grandma Stephanie and Grandpa Barry, and our cousins (nieces & nephews) visiting from Kentucky. We had a fantastic time: playing in the backyard, fireworks, Lagoon, walks, park, shopping, yummy food. We miss everyone already.

4th of July

We spent the morning of the 4th of July decorating the kids scooters and riding in the Del Mar childrens parade at beautiful Powerhouse Park. It was really hot that day so we spent the afternoon at the park playing soccer and getting soaked with water guns. Henry ate some dirt.

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