Sunday, May 27, 2007

14 1/2 Months...and Counting

It's been awhile since I did a little update on Amelia's latest tricks. Here's the NEWs:

New Words
More - this isn't consistent yet, but I'm hoping

New Tricks
Doing all the actions to the song "If You're Happy and You Know It"
Blowing kisses
Climbing on moms dresser
Trying to wear mom and dads clothes
Correctly identifies the following body parts: hair, eyes, ears, teeth, tongue, head, fingers, toes
Wearing mom and dads shoes
I needed to insert a little anecdote here. Amelia has been unsuccessful at getting her feet into my flip-flops - but not for a lack of trying. The other day she had backed the flip-flop into the corner and was holding onto the wall with both hands. She spent several minutes picking up her foot and placing it in the shoe. After several minutes with the shoe not cooperating, she picked it up, yelled at it, and put it back down. She repeated this shoe scolding process several more times, before she gave up. Obviously the shoe was not quite as good at putting itself on Amelia's foot as she would have liked. She has since been more successful with both mine and Chris' shoes.

New Adventures
Uncle Eric & Uncle Todd were visiting today for Memorial Day - you can see that Amelia loves the beach. don't worry - we are feeding her plenty - she just likes to eat the sand for its grainy texture. She had fun playing with the boogey board, throwing sand on Uncle Todd and knocking over other children's sand castles.

Amelia loves to dance along to almost any music. The other day she was getting her daily veggie tales fix and I happened to walk around the corner as she was rockin' out with Bob & Larry. Hopefully I can get it on video next time, so you can see (and maybe learn) some of her dance moves.

That's all the NEWs for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You left one trick out...she also knows how to call Aunt just proves that I am her favorite aunt, because I am the only one that she will call! It was my favorite phone call I have ever gotten!

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