Saturday, September 22, 2007

Conversations with Amelia

Mommy or Daddy: Amelia, can I have a kiss?
Amelia: Say pease.
Mommy or Daddy: Can I please have a kiss?
Amelia (smiling): No-no. No-no.

Mommy: What's this?
Amelia: a bape (grape).
Mommy: What's this?
Amelia: a bope (boat)
Mommy: Who's that?
Amelia: boop (burt)
Mommy: What's this?
Amelia: a buh (book)

Mommy: what's wrong?
Amelia: pier boen (pacifier broken).
Editors Note: Today we cut the end off the last pacifier in the house. Wish us luck during the next few days!

Amelia (standing in the kitchen point to the cupboard): ecinee
Mommy: you already had a vitamin today.
Amelia (louder this time): ecinee!

Amelia (standing in the kitchen pointing to the fridge): icescreamy
Mommy: we already had ice cream today

Mommy: do you want a french fry?
Amelia(running to go get in her highchair): frydee, frydee, frydee

Mommy: do you want to watch a movie?
Amelia (running for the TV): Elmo! Elmo!

Amelia (pointing to any sign on the side of the road): A "A." A "A."

1 comment:

Erickson's said...

What a brilliant baby! We still say "dat". But it does have different pitches. I'm convinced he is too smart and knows he can get what he wants from us without saying a word!

Missin' ya'll

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