Thursday, April 19, 2007

Amelia, The Phone's for You

One of Amelia's first words was Hello. Not "Hello!" or "Hello.", but "Hello?" She will say it into any phone - cell, landline, toy, even her hand works. However, she will not say it into the phone if a person is on the other end. So, she doesn't really understand why she says the word, it is purely a mimic of her parents.

Out of all the things I do repeatedly each day, I'm glad she picked that activity to copy.

If you'd like to talk with Amelia you can reach her at my phone #. She's usually out of the office from noon until 3 for her nap break, but is available most other times of the day.

Thanks for calling!


Anonymous said...

The cutest baby ever!!! (Well, one of three) She is going to be talking in no time. She might not understand what "Hello" means, but she certainly knows when she's supposed to say it! What a doll! Grandpa and I just watched the video and when she came up to the camera at the end, I just wanted to grab her and kiss her face. I love her so much.

Grandma Stephanie

Anonymous said...

She also clearly understands "hold it". she's brilliant!!

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