Thursday, April 12, 2007

Please hold - I'm busy for the next 18 years

One of the hardest things for me about being a mom is giving up my "to-do" list in favor of Amelia's.

My list looks like this on the average day:
Eat breakfast while checking email/blogs
Feed amelia breakfast
Get amelia ready for the day
Get myself ready for the day
Clean house while amelia plays
go play at playground for half-hour
Eat lunch
Put amelia down for nap and I work
amelia wakes up and we go run errands
Make dinner
Play at Park with amelia
Put amelia to bed

Here is Amelia's list:
Workout with mommy
Eat breakfast with mommy
Play in my room with mommy
Play in the bathroom while mommy gets ready (eat the trash, stick my hand in the toilet, try to get in the shower, etc.)
go for a walk (eat flowers, eat bark, eat dirt)
Play on the playground
Eat lunch with mommy
Lay on mommy's lap on her bed until I fall asleep
Wake up and throw all my blankets out of my bed and yell for mommy to come get me
Eat fishy crackers and string cheese with mommy
play blocks with mommy
go on a walk with mommy
play on the playground with mommy
eat dinner on mommy's lap
play games with daddy
go to sleep in mommy's arms

You get the idea...Amelia would really like to spend every waking minute constantly entertained by me. And, isn't that wonderful! It has really been refreshing for me to let go of my to-do list and go with the flow. It doesn't matter if my house is messy, we eat dinner a little later, or I send a few less emails.

I posted this quote in my kitchen as a helpful reminder..."I had the most satisfactory of childhood's because my mom turned out to be exactly my age." --Kay Boyle

Everything else can wait - my baby is growing up, and I'm busy helping her.

1 comment:

Isa said...

Hey Em, I love the post. You are a wonderful mother.

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