Saturday, August 18, 2007

All About Emonee

It seems like these past few weeks have gone so fast - I haven't even had enough time to post a few pictures!

After Amelia and I returned from Utah, Evan and Tori came and visited us for the week. They were the best houseguests/babysitters/housekeepers/playground experts/scrabble players(ok, they were awful at scrabble)/movie watchers(about 12)/ beachgoers(we went 4 times while they were here).

We were so sad to see them go. Amelia loved having other kids around, and Evan and Tori pretty much spent all their time trying to make her happy.

Then, last Saturday, my parents came down for the day to pick Evan and Tori up. We went to Coronado and Chipotle - what a great day!

This past week we have just being trying to get back to normal - but Amelia chose not to sign-up for that plan, and has opted to get a cold and teeth all week. So naps have been at a minimum, and our exhaustion levels are up!

Here are a few things that Amelia is doing in her 17th month!

  • Emonee - that is what Amelia is calling herself. Occasionally she will pronounce it super clear, and it comes quite close to E-mi-ly. This could be verrrrrry confusing.
  • She learned where her elbow and knee are.
  • She can count the numbers 2 and 5 in any random order.
  • She can identify the color red - thanks Tori!
  • She can identify all the grandma's and grandpa's, and can say the words as well.
  • She can also identify Emma, Cate and Elmo - and she is obsessed with all three.
  • She can reach the pedals of her bike - and use them!
  • She is becoming a lot more comfortable in the pool - maybe next time she will get her hair wet!
  • She knows how to identify mom's mole, while loudly proclaiming, "MOLE!." That could potentially make for an embarrassing situation...
  • She can get on the piano bench and play the piano.
  • She can shut and open doors. And can even lock herself in her room
So you can see, we've been really busy!

Chris said I never write about him, so I thought I would let you know what he has been up to in his 29th year.
  • He is teaching his first college class, which has been quite successful so far. Though it is a lot of work because he teaches 3 days a week. I know he is doing fantastic, and he really, really loves it.
  • His research is coming along - though he hasn't been able to devote as much time to it, because of his class.
  • He is missing his bike. His brand new bike that was stolen just 3 weeks after he bought it.
  • He is saving his money for a new bike.
  • He's just pretty much being the best dad any girl could hope for, and the greatest husband.
  • Oh, and he can now say his ABC's in the right order, and identify the colors yellow and pink(though apparently those are only for girls...).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the list of things Amelia can do! You left off spell her name! She's brilliant you know! I love you guys.
Grandma Stephanie

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