Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Amelia & I frequently play the following game. She says a letter of the alphabet and we compile a list of everyone we know with a name that starts with that letter. We were playing in the car the other day (I know...this doesn't sound like a very fun game...but she LOVES it) and we had gone through the regular get the idea. She was silent for a few minutes and then said...Mama, there are no F's in our Famomy (Family).

I thought about it for a few minutes and it's true. No one in either my family or Chris' family has a name that starts with F.

I think someone should fix this little problem stat. Nathalie? Ashley?

Oh...and isn't she brilliant for figuring that out all by herself?


Ashley and Bryan said...

I nominate Nathalie to take care of this!

Linn said...
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Linn said...

Totally brillant! But do you wonder? Look at her parents. Your kids are growing up so much!

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