Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hannah & Amelia

My good friend Adrianne and I have set-up the sweetest babysitting trade. Every other week I watch Hannah one morning and she watches Amelia on the other weeks (i'm not doing a very good job explaining it...but trust me, its awesome).

Anyway, so as if Hannah and Amelia didn't already get to play together enough, now they spend several hours together in the morning at one of our houses.

Adrianne, being the genius, previous elementary school-teacher, crafty girl that she is always has the kids doing something cool.

Amelia loves it. And apparently, she doesn't stop talking to Adrianne for the entire 2 hours.

My favorite part? It's 2 hours of silence for me.


Ashley and Bryan said...

I would gladly take her off of your hands for two hours a week! I wish I lived closer!

jane maynard said...

those pictures are awesome. what a great babysitter adrianne is!!!

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