Thursday, November 29, 2007

Amelia - isms

I am constantly wishing I wrote things down that Amelia is saying right now, but won't be saying in a little while, so I don't forget her cute little language.

For example, she used to call milk, "more some," because I always asked her if she wanted some more, and she just started calling it "more some." But, a few weeks ago she started calling it....milk!

Here are a few other little Amelia language quirks, which I don't want to forget:

  • Amelia has called me "Monny" or "Emonee" for several months now. This week, she started calling me Mommy, almost exclusively, unless she is crying or saying it really fast. I liked Monny, but Mommy has a nice ring to it as well.
  • Amelia asks me about 100 times a day, "Where did Mommy go?" to which I reply, "I'm right here." and she says, "Oh." When Chris gets home she asks him the same thing. We don't get it. We just roll our eyes and play along.
  • She calls her pillow her pippo.
  • She adores watching Annie...but calls her her friend Hannah.
  • She loves yogurt, and calls it yo- gut.
  • Pasta and Pretzels sounds like same...baba, except that she makes the world plural for pretzels.

That is all I can think of now...I know there are more...see i'm already forgetting!

Here are a couple of cute anectodes about Amelia:

The other day I was fixing my hair and a few of Amelia's blocks were right behind me on the floor. I stepped back right on to them and let our a yelp. Amelia, who was playing in her room, yelled, "What happened Mommy?" I explained what happened, she picked up the blocks and moved them into her room, and then came back and kissed my feet, while saying, "I'm sorry Mommy, I'm sorry Mommy."

Amelia refuses to drink milk without it first going in the microwave...she doesn't care how just has to make a trip there first before she will drink it. It you try and give it to her cold, she will say with a disgusted look on her face, "Oh, cold...warm!"

Amelia is OBSESSED with my bed. She would always take her naps there if I would let her, and has to read stories there before naptime and bedtime. She loves to play on it, jump on it, and sing on it. The first thing she wants to do when she wakes up is get on Mommy's bed. And, she won't go to sleep without a pillow off of my bed. This is getting a bit out of hand...

Amelia is starting to notice her clothing, and loves lipstick...she calls it lips. After I dress her in the morning, she stands in front of the mirror in her room to admire herself. She stands there an extra long time if her Dad has told her how pretty she looks.

Amelia's favorite foods at the moment are black beans with corn...and sour cream to dip, french fries with ketchup for dipping (anytime we get in the car to go to the store, she asks if we are getting french fries), rice and chicken, whole apples (she even tries to eat the core and seeds), and candy. Oh, and milk, lots of it.

Well, you are probably sick of reading...I just wrote these so I wouldn't forget. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to scroll down through the blog and see my other new posts.


Valerie said...

She's so cute! It was so funny when I watched her, and she kept asking for "Money" I was so confused :)

Thirstin' for Thurstons said...

this is sad you need to post something new!

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