Christmas Lights
At the beginning of December I decided that I would do an advent calendar. So, I made cute little paper mittens and strung them across one of the windows in our living room. Then, I made a list of things I wanted to do, sing, read, see, etc. with Amelia during December. Then, I was suppose to write them all on slips of paper and put them in the mittens and then we would take one out everyday...but I never got this far. However, I stuck to my list, and we had a holiday treat everyday.Early in the month we visited the temple to see the lights, and listen to a Methodist Bell Choir. Amelia loved the "oh, so pretty lights!" and was entranced by the bell choir...she kept mimicking them. It was a great way to start the holidays.
She looks so cute in my beanie that i made her.
Love Tori
I love the idea of using activites instead of candy for advent. (Audrey probably prefers the chocolate, but next year, we could do both :)
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