Sunday, January 20, 2008

Just Because...

Since I use this blog as a journal of sorts, I wanted to post a few things Amelia has done in the past few weeks that are cute/funny/sweet/annoying/lovely.

  • Amelia is obsessed with candy. I really wish grocery stores would move the candy away from the check-out aisle, because it makes it very difficult to pay and get out of the store without a big tantrum. While we are in the check-out line my standard routine is to try and occupy Amelia with pretty much anything, except the candy. If she does see and touch the candy, I try and quietly explain that we aren't buying any candy today. While we do have to go over this EVERY time we go to any store with candy, I think it's sinking in. The other day we were at a store, and I picked up a package of chocolate covered marshmallows...Amelia gave me a very disapproving look (I am sure it is the same one I give her), and said, "Don't touch that Mommy. Put it back...put it back." She then grabbed it from my hands, and put it back in its rightful place. See - I think she is catching on...just to the wrong thing. She is totally learning how to be bossy...not how to "not touch" the candy...
  • Amelia has started coloring and drawing up a storm. So far her favorite subjects are Big Bird, Ashley & Bryan, Mommy & Daddy, and "writing" her name.
  • Amelia loves to talk about the baby boy coming to our family. She knows that the baby is in my tummy and wants him to "Come out!" She plans on holding him, reading him stories and playing with him.
  • Amelia's favorite songs to sing include The Alphabet Song, Baa Baa Black Sheep and Twinkle Twinkle Little you can see she prefers songs with the same tune.
  • Occasionally Amelia will spit out a complete sentence which always amazes me. Today, she was sitting on Chris' shoulders on our walk home from the park. As she ran her fingers through his hair, she said, "I'm messin' up my daddy's hair!"
  • And she has started joking with us. I told Chris I would never blog about this, but it is slightly funny, so I will. Everytime Amelia is poopy or has gas, and Chris is home, it is their little joke to pretend that Mommy is also poopy. Amelia will ask Chris, "Is Mommy poopy?" to which Chris replies very seriously, "Yes, Mommy's poopy." Then, they both laugh and laugh. (Something about this "joke" always reminds me of Chris' dad's sense of humor with father, like son)
  • And for the best update...Amelia has played happily in nursery the past two weeks for the entire two hours...yes I said hours, not minutes. I think it must be the time change to 9:00 church. We are in HEAVEN. Just in time to start wandering the halls with a newborn in a few months.


Thirstin' for Thurstons said...

i loove the bed and that cute girl who messes up her dads soft hair!

Ashley and Bryan said...

I would love to see the pictures that Amelia colors of Bryan and I! :)
Bryan is so proud that Amelia knows who he is and he talks about it all the time!

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