Monday, August 14, 2006


I've been working on Amelia's baby book this past week - and spent some time looking at photos of her birth. March 13, 2006 will be forever engrained in my memory...what a happy day! Being her mom is great. She learns so much every day and has just recently discovered who I am and what I do. She knows I'm the food lady, the diaper lady, the nap lady, and the kissing lady. It's fun that she knows who I am and she likes me!

Amelia is slowly eating more and more baby food. The verdict - likes peaches, sweet potatoes, prunes, oatmeal, rice cereal and applesauce; doesn't like bananas, or peas...they make her face wrinkle and her body shudder. So far, she hasn't rolled over again...maybe she will again soon when she sees something she wants. I should probably stop getting everything for her.

We spent last weekend at my parents house for Ashley's 2nd reception. It was fun to see people from the ward and show off my baby. KaRynn was there with her little baby, who is only 10 days younger than Amelia, but about 5-6 pounds lighter. Amelia looked like a giant!

Eric is moving out this week to go to school at Westminster College in Salt Lake City. I am so proud of my little brother. He is handsome, smart, funny and considerate. He loves my daughter so much that he has her picture as the background on his new cell phone (so does Uncle Todd). He is excited to play basketball at school - and has been working very hard to pay for everything. He is going ot school full-time, playing basketball, and working part-time. What a great guy!

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