Monday, March 17, 2008

Notes on a 2-year-old

(This lighting in this picture stinks
and the photo is grainy,
but I just thought Amelia looked so
adorable in the Valentine's dress
I made her that I had to post it anyway.)

Since Amelia just turned 2, I thought I should post some of her favorite things:

Favorite sayings:
  • Oh my goodness
  • No Thanks, I'm good
  • I'm mommy's baby AND daddy's baby
  • pretty much any saying used to boss someone (her mom and dad) around
  • Don't touch my black car! (not sure why she says this, but she almost always says it when we get out of our car)
  • you're wepome (you're welcome).
  • What happened?

Favorite things:
  • Her pigtails (she cries when we take them out to wash her hair)
  • Strawberries
  • cheese crackers
  • milk
  • Movies - Annie, Jungle Book, anything with Elmo or Big Bird, Nemo
  • Songs - The Alphabet, The Bare Necessities, The Annie Trio (Tomorrow, Maybe & It's a Hard Knock Life) , Baa-Baa Black Sheep, Old McDonald, Once There Was a Snowman, pretty much anything by Weezer...she finds it extremely danceable
  • Books - Curious George, anything with her dad, Olivia
  • Toys - her favorite toy, hands down, is her travel-size magna doodle. She carries it everywhere and has quite the imagination. She often draws animals, circles, her mommy and daddy, flowers, and writes her name....however, everything pretty much looks like a bunch of squiggly lines jumbled together.

Cute stories:
  • We've been talking a lot about opposites, yes/no, up/down, big/little, baby/mommy and fake/real. She often thinks that things in some of her stories or movies are scary, so we explain that they are fake, which always makes her feel better. She likes to point out to us when things are fake or real. On Saturday, we went to the Wild Animal Park with my family to celebrate Amelia' s birthday. She was looking at the large gorillas with her Grandma Gaylene and informed her, "See that's fake." So, you can see we still need to work on this concept.
  • Whenever we are going somewhere and Amelia wants to know who is going, she always adds, "and the baby boy" to our answer. She wants to make sure we know that he is tagging along.
  • Last week when we kept trying to get Amelia to say her age the conversation would go like this:
Daddy: "Amelia, how old are you?"
Amelia:"I'm good."
Daddy: "No, I asked how old are you?"
Amelia: "I'm good."

It's taken us several days to get her to put the right response with the right question...I think we've got it now.
  • The other day we took the bus to go see Chris at school. On the way to his office, she started jumping up and down and saying, "you're a BIG mommy. you're a BIG mommy." I like that she was jumping to show that I was tall, and not big in other ways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so wish I was closer so I could hear her conversations with the two of you!

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