Saturday, January 03, 2009

It (Was) Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Usually I really like to gussy up our house at Christmas. But this year with 4 people in our family our apartment already seemed crowded, so I decided to go minimalistic. I loved our simple Christmas.

We had a few Christmas trees...I LOVED these little ones I found at Trader Joes...and the best part is they will last me all winter.

And, of course Amelia had her own tree, which she helped decorate.

We also did a little avent calendar....see the mittens on the wall? There are 25 and each contains a slip of paper with a Christmas activity written on them. Amelia loved to ask what number it was each day and do the activities.

I decided to make snowflakes to hang in our window, so one night while Chris and I were watching a movie I tackled the project. Chris mentioned casually that he could make a better snowflake than I. Not being one to shy away from a friendly competition (especially involving crafts and Chris), I told him to bring. it. on. After 10 minutes of cutting we both held up our creations. Let's just say that I needed to go back to 3rd grade and learn how to make snowflakes. And Chris, well, his was so beautiful. I made Chris teach me his technique and made quite a few more...aren't they lovely? I had to take the picture when it was getting dark so you can see the snowflakes...but I loved when the light would shine through the window and cast snowflake shadows all over our apartment.

I saw these incredible yarn wreaths on a blog I read, and if I had $100.00 to blow on a wreath I would have bought one, but instead I spent $4.00 at Michaels and attempted my own

Christmas in our home was simple and fun and lovely. And, I think Amelia is already plotting next year

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I LOVE the mitten advent calendar! Did you just cut mittens out of paper? That would be so fun to do with Brynn next year!

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